Very basic computer class starts Thursday

ComputerBarb Brooker will offer a very basic computer class for persons of any age, particularly the older set. Learn how to access the internet for information and enjoyment, as well as how to receive and send emails. Those with technophobia are very welcome.

Brooker grasps the irony of using today’s “word of mouth” advertising – the internet – to reach those who don’t use it. She encourages people to share this information with friends or relatives who are “missing out” on things because they don’t use a computer or the internet.

The classes will be held Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm at the ISU Extension & Outreach Greene County office, 104 W. Washington St, Jefferson. There is no charge for the class and no registration is required. Participants are welcome to attend as many as they find helpful and then adventure on the World Wide Web on their own.


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